Genodive sample data matrix
Genodive sample data matrix

A unique feature of genodive is that it can also open data sets with nongenetic variables, for example environmental data or geographical coordinates that can be included in the analysis. The different types of analyses offered by genodive include multiple statistics for estimating population differentiation (φ ST, F ST, F' ST, G ST, G' ST, G'' ST, D est, R ST, ρ), analysis of molecular variance-based K-means clustering, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, hybrid index, population assignment, clone assignment, Mantel test, Spatial Autocorrelation, 23 ways of calculating genetic distances, and both principal components and principal coordinates analyses. One major feature of genodive is that it supports both diploid and polyploid data, up to octaploidy (2n = 8x) for some analyses, but up to hexadecaploidy (2n = 16x) for other analyses. Furthermore, genodive seamlessly supports 15 different file formats for importing or exporting data from or to other programs.

genodive sample data matrix

genodive has an intuitive graphical user interface that allows direct manipulation of the data through transformation, imputation of missing data, and exclusion and inclusion of individuals, population and/or loci.

genodive sample data matrix

#Genodive sample data matrix update#

This version presents a major update from the previous version and now offers a wide spectrum of different types of analyses. Genodive version 3.0 is a user-friendly program for the analysis of population genetic data.

Genodive sample data matrix